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This panel allows to download the processed data. The following files are provided. They can be linked by key fields. They only contain the selected datasets, sample type and taxa.

The asv_reads and phyloseq files can be very big if you download all datasets and all taxa.

file content key fields
datasets.xlsx Information on the different datasets selected including reference and GenBank id dataset_id
samples.xlsx List of samples selected with medadata file_code
asv.xlsx ASV selected with taxonomy and sequence asv_code
asv_reads.tsv.gz Percent of reads (normalized to total number of eukaryotic reads in the sample), for each ASV and each sample (long form). asv_code, file_code
phyloseq.rds File to use with phyloseq R package ( Use readRDS() function to read 2000 samples max

Fig. 1: Download page

Fig. 1: Download page